Should you accelerate payments towards your mortgage (or any other debt)?

Should you accelerate payments towards your mortgage (or any other debt)?

Should you accelerate payments towards your mortgage (or any other debt)? I see people do this all the time, especially in the pre-retirement group. Many people are uncomfortable having any debt, including their mortgage, and they are driven to enter retirement “debt free.” To rid themselves of debt they make additional payments of principle each

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Should I use my TSP to start a business?

Q&A – Should I use my TSP to start a business? (This article originally appeared as Ask Bob: Do I Qualify For a TSP Hardship Withdrawal – here) Question My wife and I started a business, but due to COVID, materials, construction prices dramatically increased and permitting delays we have not been able to open

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Should you accelerate payments towards your mortgage? I see people do this all the time, especially in the pre-retirement group.  Many people are uncomfortable having any debt, including their mortgage, and they are driven to enter retirement “debt free.”  To rid themselves of debt they make an additional payments of principle each month, on top

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