- Unemployment reads 13.3%.
- The Fed Funds interest rate remains between 0% – 0.25%
- Q1 GDP read -5% according to the 2nd estimate.
- PMI contracted to a jaw dropping 43.1%
- The S&P 500 (C Fund) increased 4.76% during the month of May.
The above facts are improved compared to last month’s report.
But, such positive data needs to be put into context. Covid-19 is seeing a resurgence. This, in and of itself, will not drive the market down, but if the state-, federal-, and world governments halt openings, or worse, impose new shutdowns, the market will drop, again.
Beware the media’s fear-mongering headlines that describe “spiking” Covid cases, or investor fears. You could dismiss those headlines. If the government is not shutting things down, then the economies will flex their muscles. This is the biggest headline that all investors need to pay attention to – namely, will the governments shut down the economies, again.
Bottom Line:
We are in a highly volatile, media-driven national environment. Good news sends the market soaring – temporarily. Bad news sends the market plummeting – temporarily. Ignore the short term hype. Again, the only headline you need to keep your eye on is whether the governments will shut things down again. So long as the governments don’t shut things down, the economies should recover. If the governments shut things down, the market will drop, and you will want to increase your purchasing during a drop.
If you would like to discuss this or any other matters relating to your finances please get in touch here – Email me stephen@stephenzelcer.com . Or fill in the form at the bottom of the page to arrange a meeting. Thank you
Below are my recommended portfolios for this month.