TSP Planning Report September 2018

financial advice for federal employees


GDP in the 2nd Quarter of 2018 was revised up 4.2%, according to the 2nd estimate.
The S&P 500 posted a solid gain of 3.26%.
Unemployment remained at 3.9%.
PMI, again, posted another stellar month of expansion, with the index reading 61.3%.

Unemployment is very low, again.
4.2% quarterly GDP is amazing and hasn’t happened since 2014.
The S&P 500 is rocking, with YTD yield of 9.91%
PMI continues it’s impressive streak, performing well above-average (50% is considered average) for the past 21 months.
Bottom Line:

Once again, these are awesome indicators. It is not often the economic indicators are all positive to an extreme. All this economic data clearly suggests a growth stage for the economy. The C & S funds do well in such an environment. Even a little does of stock will take you a long way.

Check out the 5 page report below. DON’T JUST LOOK AT RATE OF RETURN. Always view the target return of each portfolio in context of its ranges of fluctuation. The TSP portfolios below carry the greatest return for the least amount of risk in this economic environment.
Click here to download September TSP Report Portfolios

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